Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

STH & all of the group members are hereby sincerely wishing our Malay colleagues, friends and customers "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri", bless you all prosperousness and happiness in the coming new year. Best wishes from STH Group.


到底是平凡的人多还是成功的人多? 看看我们四周的朋友, 我想我们都知道答案是那一个. 当然一个人的成功可以有很多的因素, 我们很难用一个标准来告诉大家要怎样做就能成功, 况且小弟也非成功之人, 更不是这方面的专家, 很难告诉各位成功与平凡之道. 今日提笔只想与各位分享一些心得, 人人都只有24小时, 为什么有些朋友一段时间过后能有较佳的表现与进步? 另一些则还是"老样子", 小弟认为这跟平日的生活态度有着很密切的关系, 试想想今天你都作了些什么? 都是你喜欢做的事还是你应该做的事?
"喜欢做"和"应该做"有什么分别? 喜欢是感性的; 它将根据个人喜好来做决定, 例如某某连续剧今晚大结局, 所以你选择了留在家里看电视; 而放弃了到公司开部门会议, 其他例子还有如因为今天心情不好; 所以选择了留在家中不去上班或上学, 而我们也时常见到很多的办事处人员经常利用办工时间上网聊天, 玩网上游戏等等, 或在工作时间里和同事聊个不停, 内容不外是东家长西家短, 尤以后者在政府部门更是必然现象, 难怪呼我们的政府要各部门设立绩效表现管理, 还有常见的习惯迟到; 因为您总喜欢在最后一分钟才出门... 等等, 如果每天的生活内容我们都在选择做我们喜欢做的事, 平凡的生活是必然的, 有人说"平凡也是一种幸福", 我同意您的看法, 因为这是您对生活的选择.
相反的, 做应该做的事是理性的, 因为应该做的事不一定就是您喜欢的事, 但因为您对个人的成就及将来有所要求, 您知道现在应该做什么事对将来会有帮助, 所以您愿意牺牲一些个人的喜好来让自己成长, 谋事有良好的事前规划, 每日按照已定的时间表将工作完成, 不把时间浪费在无谓的地方, 日复一日, 小成就很快的就能见到了.
如果以上两位是兄弟, 您认为哪位的成就会比较好? 当然, 感性与理性是人类都具备的本质, 太过理性; 生活就会变的很乏味, 太过随心所欲; 又似乎对人生没有什么要求, 所以小弟认为在生活中要取得一个平衡点, 凡事都要有个事先规划, 按步就班, 把每日应该要完成的事项尽力做好, 然后才做自己喜欢做的事, 千万不要轻松的时候想工作, 工作的时候想轻松! 如此一来, 您不但无法成就什么, 更无法享受生活, 还要搞到自己压力很大, 因为还有很多"应该做"的事没做! 何苦?!
所以个人认为, 成功的人与平凡的人其中一个分别就是成功的人选择做"应该做"的事, 平凡的人爱做"喜欢做"的事.
文笔粗糙, 还有望各位多多包含, 愿大家的成功很快到来. 共勉!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ING - Partnership

Great New!

ING in collaboration with SinChew-i, the online version of the Sin Chew newspaper has launched a microsite where readers are able to submit their insurance related questions specifically on the following categories:-
  1. Home and Auto

  2. Education and Saving

  3. Health, Will and Trust

The objective of the microsite is to provide an easier platform for readers to post the questions they have when planning for their financial future.

The microsite will be hosted by SinChew-i for the next 6 months beginning from August 2009.
Do take the opportunity to check-out this site at

Alternatively, you may also post your questions to us at while you're doing or planning to do your personal financial planning, even any complicated insurance policy related issue and question.

In STH Group, our advisors team is determined to serve you better and easier.

"Your Peace of Mind is Our Aim"

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions On Influenza A (H1N1)

1. Should we be worried over the increasing number of deaths?
  • There is no need to panic, the majority of those who contract H1N1 only suffer mild infection, and almost 98% recover with or without treatment.
2. Some of those who have died were not in the high-risk group. They were young and otherwise healthy. Does this means the virus has mutated?
  • The Institute for Medical Research is studying this.
3. Who are the high-risk group?
  • Children under 5 years old;
  • Adult more than 65 years old;

  • Pregnant women;

  • Chronic pulmonary (incl. asthma), cardiovascular (except hypertension), renal hepatic, hematological (incl. sickle cell disease), neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders (incl. diabetes mellitus);
  • Persons younger than 19 years of age who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy;

  • Persons with immunosuppresion, including that caused by medications or by HIV;

  • Residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities;

  • obesity.

4. Is the majority those who died in the high-risk category?

  • Yes.

5. Would it be advisable to temporarily shut down all shops and offices to contain the spread?

  • No, as there is no sustained local transmission.

6. How can the spread be contained then?

  • People who are sick and displaying flu-like systoms should stay at home. Wear masks when interacting with family members ro visitors.

7. Can Tamiflu be used to prevent one from contracting H1N1?

  • No, it should not used as a preventive measure as it may cause one to be resistant to it, such cases have been reported in the US, Maxico, Canada, Denmark, Hong Kong and Japan.

8. Can we go for throat swabs at private clinics?

  • No, private clinics have rapid test which will ascertain whether you have H1N1.

9. Is the rapid test accurate?

  • It has only 60 ~ 80% sensitivity, so there is a high chance of false negatives, so even if you are tested negative, you may have H1N1.

10. Is it advisable to take the rapid test then?

  • If you are willing to accept the limitations, go for it, that will spare you the long queue at the government hospitals.

11. Will the death rate continue to go up?

  • Yes, especially among those in the high-risk group, if people continue to be lackadaisical about the pandemic.

12. If I have a family member at home who is infected with H1N1, should I go to work?

  • If you have flu-like symptoms such as fever (above 38'c) and one more of these - cough, difficulty in breathing, body ache, headache or sore throat, you should immediately seek medical treatment from nearest doctor;

  • Please inform doctor that you have in-contact with a H1N1 patient;

  • Avoid close contact for 7 days;

  • Practice good personal hygiene.

Resource from Ministry of Health Malaysia.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blood Donation Campaign

It is hereby pleased to introduce that St. John Ambulance Kluang is going to conduct a Blood Donation Campaign on this September 13, in conjunction with this campaign they still provide some health secreening services like checking your blood pressure, blood glucose test, body weight BMI and more else to the donor.

We're proud to be selected as one of the official sponsor party for this event, and we're hereby wish to invite you and all of our valued customers as well as friends come to support this charity event, donate your blood to those in bad ill or serious injury is not only to save their life but also good to your health, at the same time you and your family member will still able to get some free body check up, should you have any health related question, the St. John Kluang Area Medical Officer Dr. Kang Poi Lim will standby there to assist you.

Event particulars:
Date : 13 September 2009
Day : Sunday
Time : 9am to 3pm
Venue : Kluang Kampung Paya Multipurpose Hall

Please bring along your family and friend to support this event, we're awaiting to see you there.

One Second Difference

Just a second, your money in your pocket is depreciated by 13.80% ! 1 second before, whole Malaysian still very happy to celebrate the Malaysia National Day and enjoy their holiday, but after 11.59pm our petrol price for RON97 raised up to RM2.05 per liter, at the same time RON95 quoted at RM1.80 per liter! Well our government said since we launched new RON95 recently it is able to replace RON97, if consumer don't wish to pay so much extra they can choose RON95 because it only increased by RM0.05, and our government also said RON95 is suitable for most Malaysian car.

Firstly, since we able to classify RON95 and RON97 which mean that the ingredient among this two types must have difference, whether your loved car is suitable to use the lower grade one or not I don't know, we better ask the expert or engineer instead of government.

Despite of the petrol quality, I am more concern about the chain reaction of this increment. For those who are seldom using their car or motorbike riders, the increment impact to them maybe lower relatively, no matter they're using RON95 or 97, but a lot of consumer products price will be increased including servicing lines and public transport fees due to their operating cost increased follow by the fuel price goes high, well now, you see no matter you're using car or not you will still suffer, the matter is the impact to you is More or Less only. Still remember while our petrol and diesel price standing sky high on early last year, the fees for power supply, public transport, transportation services, toll, foods and other basic consumer products were relatively increased, but when the international crude oil price drop to the scarcely low, we never see the above said prices drop automatically!
Malaysia is a very lucky country, we have a lot of natural resources including crude oil, our government export the crude oil products to others to earn the significant income for our country, but this seem like nothing benefit to the populace, the subsidy to the fuel became lesser, which mean that your earning and your saving become lesser and lesser if you don't get your salary increment every year and your bank rate unable to overcome the inflation rate, then one thing is sure; you will lose your purchasing power in no time.
Then what should we do? my personal opinion is we should spend wisely, never buy the thing you don't need to use it now no matter how cheap it is...never forget that you money will become smaller (depreciate) in future, if you can buy it at the same price in future why you need to store it now? the principle here is never put your money in the item that won't appreciate your hard earn money unless you truly need to use it now. e.g. toilet paper, people like to store toilet paper more than their need especially when hypermarket doing sales, but I always see the hypermarket or supermarket doing promotion no matter in what reason and season, so why should worry you don't have the cheap toilet paper use? but if you're running a sundry shop then that is another story... . Save back the money from the unneccessary item is the most effective and instant way to accumulate your wealth.

Save first then spending, commonly, people's saving habit is save after spent, but usually this is not workable, because this is not discipline and systematic enough, we must change the way back if we wish to have a better future and opportunity, set your target saving amount every month (no matter what figure), then spend the balance after saved.
NEVER SPEND FUTURE MONEY, nowadays credit card is one of the most common paying tool, but always bear in mind that you must pay off the entire credit card bill every month, don't just serve the minimum payment every month, because it is like a "blood sucker" the overdue interest will be compounded at 1.5% per month! you will need a very very long time to finish the outstanding amount in case you cut out your card, otherwise it will become a never ending story, the bank will earn a big pile from you, hence, think twice before you use it!
Invest your saving money, especially now is a good time to invest, reason (1) a lot of investment items are now selling at a very attractive discounted rate, but you must choose the item you're familiar and the fund must be from your surplus, if you know very little about the investment, unit trust can be the best solution for you as your investment will be well taken care by a group of professional fund managers, (2) the fixed deposit rate is too low, transfer your FD to an investment, just like you shift your money from your right pocket to left pocket, but you can see the gain result is in a big difference, but be reminded that you must always leave some fund in your bank account just in case of an emergency need.
There are some common investment items in the market, the investment risk can be vary from high to conservative, which one you choose is depend on your risk tolerance profile and your investment horizon, or maybe you can make a diversification in your investment portfolio, by the way, forget about the Myth of High Risk High Return, if High Risk = High Return which mean "No Risk".

Some Common Investment Vehicles: (for your reference only)

1. Stock/Share Market (Moderate to High Risk)

2. Property (Moderate to High Risk - Not liquidity enough)

3. Unit Trust (Conservative to Moderate Risk, note: some Closed End Funds are Capital Guaranteed)

4. High Yield Saving Plans (Conservative Risk)

HAVE YOURSELF BE INSURED, this is very important to have at least a Medical Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance, because no matter how good your financial planning is, if without the risk management, your planning can be ruined and your money can be vanished in an unfortunate incident, thus, you must set aside a minimum 10% of your annual income to purchase an insurance policy, because this is the wise way to transfer your medical risk and loss income risk to insurer instead you bear it yourself, compare to the actual cost, the premium is become insignificantly small, and you can have your hard earn money to seek better opportunity with peace of mind, should you have budget the protection should be extended to further completion.

Last, not only our financial healthy, we also need a healthy life and body, no need to bother so much about the increased fuel price, we just need to look forward and plan whatever under our control then will be good enough. Should you have any personal opinion want to share with me, you may write in to me at . Your feed back and sharing is most welcome.